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Many people may not know it, but there is such as thing as a Great Cut Crack. It's a relatively new term, and there are those who think this is just some joke or prank perpetrated on the internet. But no, Great Cut Cracks are very real. This article is going to explore what they are and how they're caused. Great Cut Cracks form and can form when an individual cracks their knuckles (hands only) repeatedly over time; the name comes from what happens during the cracking — sometimes if someone cracks their knuckles too hard or too often it will actually cause a cut in the skin of their knuckles due to the pressure of cracking it with such intensity. The cracking of the knuckles always surprises some people. A lot of people don't even know it's possible to create a sound from something they do with their hands, and it's all the more surprising when the sound they're hearing is a loud cracking noise. Knuckle cracking can create a slight pain in one's fingers at times, but that usually only lasts a few seconds. Sometimes a meaty little bump or swelling can form on one's finger immediately after breaking their knuckles. When some people have done it too often, some have suffered small rips in the skin on their knuckles. Some of these Rips are so small that they can be covered by a fingernail, while others are so big that one's nail is completely ripped up. While you can just go home and slap your hand against something to stop the cracking, there are even better ways of reducing the pain of knuckle cracking. Great Cut Crack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Great_Cut_Crack Knuckle Cracking - What Causes It? Why Do We Crack Our Knuckles? - Scientific American Submitted for publication December 10, 2015 (10:42:27 UTC) and last revised June 2, 2016 (18:05:08 UTC). Article Author:Kelly Jiang Submitted for publication February 8, 2016 (23:04:51 UTC) and last revised March 31, 2016 (17:37:32 UTC). Article Author:Kelly Jiang Submitted for publication November 11, 2015 (20:35:34 UTC) and last revised July 30, 2016 (14:42:30 UTC). - Kelly Jiang - El Paso, TX - USA. Email : Kelly . Article Author : Nchive Editorial Team. - Kelly Jiang - El Paso, TX - USA. cfa1e77820